Platform as a Service for product demos & beta programs

Developing product demos or helping pre sales/services team put the demos together is a common task performed by product managers  Many enterprises use a private cloud for hosting product demos. They have dedicated teams that performs this function with help from product managers. However, these clouds are geared for internal audience and thus limits product managers from testing new ideas/concepts with their core focus groups/user communities. Exposing new functionality (beta program, technical previews etc ) via internal demo infrastructure is complicated and usually is a bureaucratic process (multiple IT approvals) in large organizations.

Public Cloud offerings can simplify this entire process. Cloud infrastructure can be used for demo, beta programs, end user studies etc. Vendors that offer "platform as a service" could be used to install, configure and showcase the products. There are quite a few vendors who offer these cloud services. Amazon Simple Storage (S3), Simple DB, EC2  would be a good starting point. Amazon EC2 provides a virtualized computing environment. It offers the pre packaged virtual appliances (DB, OS, App Servers etc) bundled in a native format (Amazon Machine Image format) which could be commissioned on as needed basis and configured with your applications. The "pay as you use” model makes it easy to justify the investment for your product portfolio. Try your beta / release candidate/ sneak previews with Amazon EC2.

Software as an appliance - What is it?

Software vendors are slowly moving away from the traditional delivery models for shipping software.  The pains involved in certifying products on multiple platforms, complex upgrade processes, maturity of virtualization technology, use of open source software,  simpler licensing and pricing models,  application isolation, greater hardware elasticity,
quicker sales cycle, plug and play software and lower TCO are some of the key factors fuelling the adoption of  "software as an appliance" delivery model.   Product managers should evaluate this concept as a key component of their strategy.  Here  is a simple definition of a software appliance.

  • Software appliance = Just enough operating system + S/W application that is ready to be consumed. This is it. Packaging could be in either on a virtual machine or a physical machine or CD etc 
  • Virtual appliance = S/W appliance supported by a Virtualization platform. Check out the VMWare marketing place to see a few examples